## 概要
モデルはよくあるencoder-decoder attentionモデル.
報酬として,文の単純さ, 文法の正しさ,流暢さ(文の自然さ)の3つの重み付き和を導入.
## 著者
Xingxing Zhang and Mirella Lapata
Using TensorFlow backend.
Generate new embeddings files for a dataset
Read file: komninos_english_embeddings.gz
Added words: 3
:: Transform agac_chunking dataset ::
Traceback (most recent call la…
I am facing the following error when trying to run python3 Train_POS.py . How could I fix this?
`WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keras/backend/tensorflow_backend.p…
In your paper, The EMNLP2017 WMT News dataset5 contains 268,586 sentences, but there are lots of datasets in url http://www.statmt.org/wmt17/ and I have no sense which one is the dataset used in exper…
## 概要
## 著者
Varada Kolhatkar, Maite Taboada
## リンク
Hi there,
No matter which script I run, I get the same error in ChainCRF, i.e.,
`Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Train_POS.py", line 69, in
File "/mnt/b…
Dear Team,
I get following error while running docker-compose up. I have downloaded the files and also placed them at right location.539106
backend_1 | Using TensorFlow backend.
backend_1 | …
Is it true ? I chang the embeddingsPath = 'reimers_german_embeddings.gz' to embeddingsPath = 'komninos_english_embeddings.gz'
Can I use this model for transfer learning? Training on one corpus and then using that pretrained model for a new corpus? How can I do that? or it's not possible with this ?
ghost updated
5 years ago
I am trying to run this on GPU but having memory issue. Where can I modify the batch size?