Pasted here for ease.
What I'm using locally for some testing @vchuravy
module ReverseRules
using Enzyme
using Enzyme: EnzymeRules
using LinearAlgebra
using Test
f(x) = x^2
function f_ip(x)
I am on Enzyme main (30b6b2d93d8ef1bdfb9f628e8c111d123cc4595e), CUDA master (7ff012) and Julia 1.10.6.
using Enzyme, CUDA
function f(a, b)
c = a .+ b
a = CuArray(rand(…
When I try to differentiate OMEinsum, the following error were thrown. The code is shown bellow, where the variable `code` is a mutable, callable object. Since it does not carry gradient, I suppose it…
using Reactant, Enzyme, Lux, Random, LinearAlgebra
const xdev = reactant_device()
const cdev = cpu_device()
model = Dense(5 => 5, gelu);
ps, st = Lux.setup(Random.default_rng(), model) |> x…
It is not passed to the shuffled first-order operators
Now that direct adjoints are starting to work with Enzyme over OrdinaryDiffEq.jl, it would make sense to add this to the SciMLSensitivity.jl system.
using Enzyme, OrdinaryDiffEq, StaticA…
The following code (using Julia 1.10.6 and Enzyme 13.17) does simple Nested AD. However this results in an error.
using Enzyme, Lux, Random, ComponentArrays, LinearAlgebra
n = 1
x_batch = randn(…
The code below segfaults on Julia 1.10 and Enzyme v0.13.13
using Enzyme
import .EnzymeRules: augmented_primal, reverse, …
I've run into an issue where I want to compute the gradient of an implicit function that itself depends on another implicit function. I can do the operation successfully with `FowardDiff`, however I …
module MWE
using Roots: Roots
using Enzyme: Enzyme
function find_zeta(y::T) where {T