Sorry if I am missing some page on issue guidelines or something. I looked around a bit but couldn't find one. Here is the TL;DR
## Description
When running `Ethereumex.HttpClient.web3_client_ve…
I was discussing with the dev from the Ethereumex and I'm planning to join forces with more developers to create an Eth ABI parser to interprete Smart Contracts and easily interact with them. Any thou…
As a developer, I want to interface with Potterhat through Elixir API so I can interact with Potterhat without setting up as a separate service.
From the `Ethers.get_logs/2` documentation:
## Overrides and Options
- `:address`: Indicates event emitter contract address. (nil means all contracts)
- `:rpc_client`: T…
In the following function
@spec call(atom(), atom(), list()) :: {:ok, any()}
@doc "Use a Contract's method with an eth_call"
def call(contract_name, method_name, args \\ []) do
We must create a provider interface that will be a read-only abstraction to access the blockchain data.
@ayrat555 wdyt?
A Signer represents an account on the Ethereum Blockchain, which can be used to sign messages and transactions and send signed transactions to the Ethereum Network to execute state-changing operations…
The test adds two exit queues:
16:44:55.122 [info] ETH exit queue missing. Adding...
16:44:57.149 [info] ERC20 exit queue missing. Adding...
after which I immidiately call: getNextExit(uint256,ad…
The library is purely documented. Fix that