I am relatively new to using QuantumPackage, and I am encountering an issue during iterative calculations aimed at approximating the Full Configuration Interaction (FCI) energy. Below, I d…
I’ve understood that a dense/exact diagonalization method (e.g., LinearAlgebra.jl's `eigen()`) is currently used for diagonalizing projected Hamiltonians during the sweeps (please correct me if I’m wr…
* [Link](https://journals.aps.org/prb/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevB.54.13047)
* Title: Exact-diagonalization method for correlated-electron models
* Keywords (optional): ED, SU(2) symmetry, Hubbard model
* …
### Background
For calculation of the advanced linear algebra, the current data type of **Hedgehog-lab(Ver0.4)** cannot support the exact value calculation with square root like the image below:
When reading [this week's quantum paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1601.02036), I came across something I do not quite understand. In Eq. (16) they define their truly quantum Boltzmann machine Hamiltonian…
Hello, thank you for making public a very robust numerical package. As it is currently, I do not see a lot of tutorial support or examples. In order for the package to be more user friendly, perhaps …
### Describe your issue.
This is a re-hash of #16311, with hopefully a more correct understanding of what the issue actually is and a significantly better example.
I am able to replicate this is…
This is a ~~~megathread~~~ for tracking the addition of examples.
For zero temperature chain (half filling), I use the Hphi to study the MIT of Hubbard model with FullDiag method, but it is found that
the gap (E1-E0) is always zero.
t = -0.5
U=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, …
Hello, thanks for your robust and elegant package!
I'm using this package to perform benchmark of Anderson-Hubbard Model ([ref](https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.81.075106)). It is simply …