### Describe the problem
when i export/print/pdf the expense list it doesn't include the Sum of those expenses
In Kimai 1 version of the expenses pug-in that field at the end of the report e…
- [ ] Need to update claim forms to standarise the claiming process.
- [ ] Add links to the relevant canvas on slack
- [ ] Update signposting to reflect forms/ accurate location on Slack
* [S…

# [Design Doc Section](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UsqNUzimu7S5YeFgnd_35FqHrPKOskUqVxnHWICnKms/edit?tab=t.0#bookmark=kix.dajbuahjz0q6)
**This section is dependent o…
grgia updated
16 hours ago
If you haven’t already, check out our [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/Expensify/ReactNativeChat/blob/main/contributingGuides/CONTRIBUTING.md) for onboarding and email contributors@expensi…
**Describe the bug**
When a recurring expense is made with the payee being a vendor, the first expense is created properly. But subsequent expenses seems to lack the information of the creator of the…
Hello! I'd like the ability to check the original currency instead of an approximation with ~. My expenses are both in euros and usd, and I'd like to see at a glance which are which.
Much love, love…
The setup of record continuously by adding the property of expenses such as weekly.
really loving and appreciating this project.
i was wondering whether recurring expenses are a feature that you'd consider adding.
with that, transitioning from splitwise would be a no-brainer, …
If you haven’t already, check out our [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/Expensify/ReactNativeChat/blob/main/contributingGuides/CONTRIBUTING.md) for onboarding and email contributors@expensi…