Applied prompt to app for users with certain app version but it doesnt seem to work. Created this feature flag, as soon as i remove the "appBuildNumber" constrain, then the prompt shows in the app.
antigen plugins:
source ~/.antidote/antidote.zsh
antidote load
# options: gremlin ohmy prez zshzoo
Hi, sorry for making this an "Issue" when it's just a question, but I couldn't find any contact information.
For ezPlatform version 2.0 and later, YUI librabry for admin UI has been abandoned. Will…
length 255 change to 171 for utf8mb4
cron-bundle/src/bundle/Entity/EdgarCron.php:19: * @ORM\Column(name="alias", type="string", length=171, nullable=false)
## Update Bitnami Installers to provide for the latest release of eZ Publish 6.x
Dear Bitnami team,
The eZ Publish 6 CMS PHP 8.3+ website building system of software is available today and we ar…
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**Basic environments:**
- python version: `3.10.15 (main, Oct 3 2024, 07:27:34) [GCC 11.2.0]`
- espnet version: `espnet …
I can add and use multi-word tags but, I don't want space or special char in the URL.
How to can change the generated URL?
Ex: Tag name "eZ Publish / eZ Platform" use the URL "/tags/view/eZ-Publ…
모델에서 spacebar로 인해 생긴 공백은 템플릿처리를 할 때 공백제거를 하도록 수정 (global handlebar의 camelCase 수정)
After a fresh install of the bundle (v.6.2) on an ez Platform website (5.4), we get the following error :
` [Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceCircularReferenceException]
eZ publish is a common CMS i would like to support.
I tried to implement and commit the changes myself, but got som errors.
Here is what i have done:
"ezpublish": {"name": …