Line 83 in init.py, faceboxes is sometimes initialized to NoneType, which causes an error when trying to iterate through it?
# FaceBoxes: A CPU Real-time Face Detector with High Accuracy #
- Author: Shifeng Zhang, Xiangyu Zhu, Zhen Lei, Hailin Shi, Xiaobo Wang, Stan Z. Li
- Origin: https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.05234
- Re…
i am new to caffe, trying to build a face detection program,got the error below,anyone knows why?
Many Thanks~
cuda 10
caffe 1.0.0
On window platform, CPU usage will be above 80%.
So I want to change onnxruntime to onnxruntime-gpu
But I have the following problems:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "demo_webcam_smoo…
I want use the loss on https://github.com/zeusees/FaceBoxes/blob/master/examples/faceboxes/train.prototxt
I concat conv2_3/incep , conv3_2 , conv4_2 as "mbox_center_conf"
center_features: 23
Hello, I am a student starting deep learning now.
Previously I asked if I could run the facebox on a GPU environment, but at that time you said it could work with a little modification of the code.
[root@www inference]# bash ./faceshifter_infer.sh
demo0: faceshifter vanilla, image infer
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/ReliableSwap/inference/faceshifter_infer.py", line 27, in…
Under reshaping scope:
Why is 2 reshapes is needed here:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'FaceBoxes.utils.nms.cpu_nms'
Does faceboxes onnxruntime runs faster than torch on CPU? From my experiences, onnxruntime should not be faster than torch on CPU