### Requirements
- FrontEnd - [VueJS or JS]
- BackEnd - [FastAPI]
- Database - [PostgreSQL + SQLAlchemy]
- Image storage
- Hostring (Domain)
### Possible solution
| App | Description | Usage…
Update the current README with better instructions for installation and setup.
# related:
- ✅ xxx
- ✅ xxx
- ✅ xxx
- ✅ xxx
A ideia inicial é utilizar:
Vue3 + Vite com Node JS 16
Vuetify para a gente nao ficar brigando com CSS (Sei que gostamos de frontend, mas neste projeto a ideia é focar no negócio)
Support needs to be added for bhyvectl --suspend and bhyve -r
Nuff said - Price column is a mess :) https://github.com/Bouni/kicad-jlcpcb-tools/issues/382
I messed a bit with code, and wrote a simple PoC. I hardcoded element count to "30" for now:
I don't have concrete plans here at the moment, just bringing this up to have it on the radar.
There are various compilations that compare Flask to other [Python-based web frameworks](https://en.wi…
When editing in the middle of a "highly" decorated section (see image below) i get a very noticeable input lag, i would say around 200ms.
This doesnt happen if i go right below that section, or r…
Any interest making a front end for this?
I tend to be a very visual person, and would really like a better alternative to flower.
Would that makes sense?