this entry is not found in /etc/crontab and imho an nginx-restart is not a goo…
hab grad gesehen, dass da nur nen ipv6 mirror drin ist.
so wird das halt bei manchen nie updaten. bzw nur mit tunnel dann.
... this way we only get the IPv6-Adresses in our map.
- /opt/freifunk/json-update.pl does this job.
perhaps i am to tired at the moment, to find it in this repo. please help me or provide it.
- it depends on libjson-perl. we should install this in a w…
using crhomium latest with ublockorigin
Weil mehrere Seite (FFBSee, FFNBSee,...) das mehr oder weniger gleiche Layout verwenden, wäre es ganz cool das layout als eigenständiges Theme zu haben!
Es war eh die Rede einen anderen Meshvierwer zu nehmen...
Momentan schlägt die Installation fehl!
### ⚠️ This issue respects the following points: ⚠️
- [X] This is a **bug**, not a question or a configuration/webserver/proxy issue.
- [X] This issue is **not** already reported on Github _(I've sea…
for some unknown reason wget and opkg are not able to download stuff.. this needs fixing
looks like the issue is dns related:
root@ffbsee-14cc202b90d1:/tmp# nslookup ipv4.download.thinkbroad…
... could be a little duplicate... ? Not sure, just check, please.