In the Playground (and in the embedded playgrounds in the API documentation), double quotes are not escaped in the resulting values:
The current "Sort By" dropdown only provides two options: "Newest" and "Relevance." This limits the user’s ability to refine their search based on other important criteria. To improve the user experie…
### Discussion: Official Release Codenames & Periodic QA Cycle
We need to decide on a theme for our official release codenames, similar to how Debian uses Toy Story characters. One suggestion is to…
Generate fictional Bitcoin news for use in the Mock Trader app and website by editing the random_news.json file
Provide the news source (Local, Regional, National, World, Social Media, etc.)
In working on the Primer for the Place type, we discussed
These are some improvements that would be useful for the Place type, possibly with FEPs.
- Specificiation of a coordinate reference syst…
_Some progress and inline documentation already exists in https://github.com/mileswwatkins/Mouse/blob/main/functions/utils.private.js_
If a message is longer than the length of an SMS, modern smart…
## Introduction
It's nearly impossible to migrate automatically from one social platform to another. You can't just transfer all your tiktoks to youtube shorts or instagram reels, you can't just mo…
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SLM sanasto
Q: Who is Superman?
A: "Superman is a fictional superhero created by DC Comics. He was first introduced in Action Comics #1 in 1938. Superman, also known as the Man of Steel or the Last Son of Kry…
Create basic skeleton for every planets with the following properties:
- instance of
- from narrative universe
- part of
- location