Not related with filterbanklayer.
I am generating the dataset with the number of jobs equal to 1, but I am opening the issue to remember.
Fyi. @tomMoral
Hi @jack-h,
I'm hoping there is a simple fix for this...
In the accumulated data, the phase of the complex values changes by pi radians when ever a tone crosses to the next filterbank channel.
I'm using ofxFilterbank in a scene (through ofxAppUtils). When I'm moving through scenes, my app crashes on the filterbank scene unless i've stayed on the scene for about 4-5 seconds. But I don't get …
Add the ability to output complex filterbank output (complex fourier coefficients) concurrently or in place of Stokes I, XX or YY.
I'm interested to have an nn.module gammatone Filterbank that produces the filtered outputs directly [N_filters X Signal length], would it be possible to achieve it within your framwork and with…
## 🚀 Feature
It would be great to have an ability to create non-mel and not linear filterbanking.
## Motivation
Even though mel-scale ceptstral coefficients are (probably) the most popular, ther…
As of now the mel fb is triangular, chroma fb is Gaussian. But, sometimes people use triangular fbs for computing chroma, and so on. I propose that instead of melfb and chromafb we have triangularfb…
I found a failed testcase when running the command "pytest tests":
**FAILED tests/unittests/test_features.py::test_filterbank - assert tensor(0.0001) < 5e-05**. Has anyone seen this error before, and…
The current output of the ATA are files in filterbank`.fil` format.
Is there scope for adding support for filterbank files input to `hyperseti`?
### Describe the bug
The following auxiliary function is used in [Filterbank](https://speechbrain.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/speechbrain/processing/features.html#Filterbank) for calculation …