client want some clean and easy to read fonts.
we will be using
- [ ] Roboto Condensed
Is there any way to use other fonts offered in LaTeX -- in particular, computer modern sans serif?
One of our users is trying to create something new and is providing good feedback. I fix what I can as we go along. With all our fonts issues, he tried creating a BAMv2 to get better transparency supp…
Add the following fonts:
1. [Geist](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Geist)
2. [Geist Mono](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Geist+Mono)
I'm running Cockpit 325 on Debian 11. I added the ZFS module and it works, but font-awesome isn't available, so the icons don't work. Looking at the HTTP logs, there are 404s for a bunch of fonts only…
I found that when I type Chinese will be messed up, I would like to ask the author to change or add the location of the font, I will add my own and run in the java environment, thank you!
TFT default fonts 6,7,8 only have numbers.
I think it's not using the correct fonts, like those in Figma.
could you add the fira code and fira sans fonts to the font selector they are on google fonts
Currently, only the Symbols Nerd Font is used to display icons, is it possible for the panel to find the appropriate font itself, and not use a specific one?