is it possible to generate factals like mandelbrot/julia set and other factals using equation
Are there any capability in css-doodle to make fractals? Or it could be a feature request? Thank you!
I spent some time today porting react-fractals to choo. You can see the result at http://choo-fractals.surge.sh, source at ricardobeat/choo-fractals.
Preact version used as base: https://preact-fac…
git clone https://github.com/fractal-bitcoin/fractald-release.git
cd fractald-release #add this
cd fractald-x86_64-linux-gnu
mkdir data
cp ./bitcoin.conf ./data
./bin/bitcoind -datadir=./dat…
There's an exercise about complex numbers (#718), so let's have exercises that uses those!
Have the user implement and visualise different fractals based on the following sets:
- [Julia/Fatou set]…
Have you got any plans on adding a fractals indicator, I can’t find any reference to fractals in your documentation
Hi, was looking for an email address and couldn't find any other way to contact you, sorry to make this an "issue"
I've been interested in meshing 3d fractals and most come with a distance function…
ghost updated
4 years ago
Preliminary add more fractal classes, either not resource demanding to com.draabek.fractal.canvas.instance, or GLSL ones to assets/*.glsl