I have installed FT6x36 but still get this error and as a result it wont compile or run.
I used the lvgl_micropython project to update my esp32n16r8-ili9488-ft6x36. It originally had a usable LVGL MicroPython, but it's quite outdated (MicroPython 1.19). After compiling the firmware, I cou…
I am trying to run the example code and I am getting errors related to ft6x36.
I loaded the firmware, lv_micropython_m5core2_bf62dfc784_esp32_idf4_4_x.bin,
using the esptool. I then loaded the e…
Hey Martin,
first of all, thank you for your projects!
When trying to build this example I do get the following warnings and errors which lead to the build failing (without changing anything):
Hi all,
I got IDF v5.2 (master) & [LVGL 8.3.7](https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl/commit/2b56e04205481daa6575bd5f7ab5df59d11676eb) to compile.
See https://github.com/hiruna/lvgl_esp32_drivers/tree/dev…
Tried everything - your code directly, your instructions cloning lvgl examples. Everything compiles fine flashes fine. Even used esp-idf-4.2.2 as well as the latest as of today. Tried multiple sc01's.…
Can you please provide the changes to compile the driver for the wt32-sc01 LCD and touch?
No LVGL touchscreen demo does work with MaixPy Amigo.
For once, the i2c pins are not right
This is what I know still has an issue.
* ST display drivers have issue with the rotation being out of sorts. This is causing the text to display backwards. I have to do a little bit more research …
### Board
### Device Description
i am using esp32-s3 based LVGL 7 inch display. I need to use the USB-JTAG pin19 and pin20 as gpio. i already prepared the PCB. i just made high and low pin…