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mediaset deve aver aggiornato qualcosa....spero Phate possa risolvere quanto prima
When solving the puzzle, TripleARawn had the grue take Ada through BTFC, triggering the Wild Grue. While she didn't stay there long, obviously, all the way when she solved the puzzle and restarted the…
In Trefunge-98 source, the ascii form feed increments the z coordinate, which is equivalent to a 'go low' instruction. This is all the specification says.
I'm imagining a 3-dimensional Funge-Space …
It just seems too common the Playerr will type `EXPUNGE UPSILON` or whatever to match `INSCRIBE UPSILON`. I will even let this happen if the say the wrong sigil, but I may have Ada ask if they really …
Quoting from the section on Strings in the [Funge-98 documentation](https://github.com/catseye/Funge-98/blob/master/doc/funge98.markdown#strings):
>In Funge-98 stringmode, spaces are treated "SGML-…
In the Resetting Tutorial, Glitch mentions that time does not run while in the Time-Cursor and the Reckoning Room, but does not mention that applies to the rest of Funge Space too.
I'm not going to…
During the playthrough, TripleARawn wanted to keep the Funge Space map visible, so worked around it by taking a screenshot or something.
That's fine, but it may be enough of a nicety to have the ma…
Action.relateds_by_owner riga 190 di action/models.py lancia:
Caught FieldError while rendering: Cannot resolve keyword 'question' into field. Choices are: accepted_answer, action, added_at, answer_a…
Implementazione di un sistema per l'invio di una serie di comandi al gateway. Tali comandi saranno controllati tramite checksum ISO 1155.
- Il gateway riceve una richiesta via USART. Il gateway invia …