Is it possible to add support for [fzf.lua](https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua) or [mini.pick](https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.nvim/blob/main/readmes/mini-pick.md) as the main fuzzy finder? For e…
Hi, I see that some functions (e.g. `LspDocumentSymbol`) use a popup which supports fuzzy searching. Are there any plans to integrate this with popular existing fuzzy finders (e.g. FZF or fuzzyy)?
Fuzzy finders such as `sk`, `peco` and `fzy` offer similar functionality to that of `fzf`, even their command-line arguments mostly coincide with that of `fzf`. (For example, [here](https://github.co…
First and foremost, congrats on the tool. It is a pretty good idea and I will be following your work for now own ;)
But, I can't switch entirely to it for now, because I use fuzzy finders binded on…
It would be nice to have specific keybinds for extensions or disabled them for some. I have some thoughts already, but this may be a limitation of WezTerm as it is
Hello, fantastic plugin! Tried it for the first time today and I think it's brilliant (have previously used a lot of different file finders, most recently using `fzf`.)
One thing I've always used w…
What about having a `opts.enable_telescope_integration` setting on setup that enables a optional telescope picker?
Here is my current implementation
-- Required dependencies
I've always been to used to seeing the first match right at the bottom (1 line above the command line) because it's must faster to scan and also plays well with other fuzzy finders. Is there an option…
Sometimes I want a sorter without reordering of the list from the finder.
For example, when I'm finding files written recently.
In the case, I want to select them with matching fuzzy, but don't want…
In some other fuzzy finders that I've used in the past, you can use `shift + down` to select multiple files, and then press enter to open them all at once. Here is a quick mockup of what it would look…