like GaiaSprint (and draw in @adrn)
like dotastronomy (and draw in maybe Rob Simpson)
At @bsipocz's suggestion, we should create a calendar with upcoming events/deadlines relevant to OpenAstronomy's goals.
Importing seaborn on bovy_plot.py causes it to change matplotlib stylesheet scriptwide.
For instance a simple call to
`from galpy import Orbit`
Will change the stylesheet of any plot done afte…
On the page http://davidwhogg.github.io/GaiaSprint/2016NYC.html , add, in the "Results" section at the top, after the wrap-up slides paragraph, a bulleted list of papers that have hit the arXiv that t…
Remember to add the Gaia DR1 and potentially GaiaSprint sentences in the ackn.
We want various kinds of homework
- problems with DR1 data products -- gotchas
- short introductions to other public data sets
- reading of existing papers on the arXiv and preparation for 5-minute su…
If we do, let's make an issue for it and adopt something (relatively) standard
I feel like @andycasey or @adrn might know how to do this...?
Like the badges here https://github.com/davidwhogg/JamesBradley