when running this code on android 11, the app's only asking for camera permission. there's no asking storage permission. When i give storage permission manually the error still insist. "Error requesti…
Hello everyone. Is it possible for people outside China to download the GED dataset? I have difficulties getting it due to the Baidu hosting, I am trying to reach the data from Europe.
Best regards…
Hey, we have integrated `SimGNN` into PyG, but the datasets are currently broken their since the dataset and GED information is no longer available in the Google Drive. Is it possible to re-upload the…
In the training dataset, after having nodes and edges for both graph, how is the ged value observed for each pair of graphs?
Is there an implementation about how pickle file is generated for a dataset?
I would like to try SimGNN in the AIDS10K dataset.
Thanks in advance
This is related to #17 and #31
I exported using "Export GEDCOM" feature and selected more compatible IDs, but:
- I found in the result there is still "*" in IDs. This seems to happen with any t…
J'ai quelques soucis avec le process GED d'EyesOfNetwork, il plante régulièrement sans raison apparente et sans régularité (parfois plusieurs fois par jour, parfois plusieurs jours sans pl…
**Title of Meeting**
Multi-deployment OPCM model
**Date, Time and Duration**
Thursday, November 7 · 3:00 – 4:00pm
Time zone: America/New_York/EST
**Link to design doc**
# Build ID
# Logs
diablo-pc :: ~/Загрузки/kernel-mtk » make -j$(nproc --all) O=out ARCH=arm64 CC=$(pwd)/clang-llvm/bin/clang CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- CLANG_TRIPLE=aar…
- [x] rename GitHub organization (@mr-c has started this)
- [ ] http://ged.msu.edu
- [x] slack
- [ ] references in khmer, screed
- ... ?