It would be good to update the gemcutter gem to the most recent version since github gems are now defunct
Do you plan on moving restful-authentication to gemcutter?
Seeing as github gem support is nearing the end of it's life, it would be great to get timeline_fu on gemcutter
Since github doesn't support compiling gems anymore, do you have any plans to move delayed_job onto gemcutter? I'm trying to get rid of my references to github as a source, but delayed_job is one of t…
gem install -r mrT
If our changes to Command-T do not get integrated, we could provide a custom gem for it from vic/command-t. the idea is not having the user to manually download command-t …
Currently have to install from source.
http://help.rubygems.org/kb/gemcutter/removing-a-published-rubygem ?
version 0.1.0 with deprecation warnings released 2015-04-28
http://help.rubygems.org/kb/gemcutter/removing-a-published-rubygem ?
version 0.1.0 with deprecation warnings released 2015-04-28
Trying to import gems locally is throwing an error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `owner' for an instance of User (NoMethodError)