I'm getting errors when trying to load the model. Do you have any suggestions?
`model = Word2Vec.load('./models/complete.model')`
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
I _really_ need word2vec handy, and trying to do vector embeddings in raw Python/NumPy is extraordinarily slow, so I wondered how hard it would be to bundle gensim... nltk seems to work fine, but with…
**写在前面:** 感谢作者提供的文件。
import gensim
from gensi…
# 加载中英文词向量模型
ch_model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('./ch_model/merge_sgns_bigram_char300.txt', binary=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
JSON has several drawbacks:
* is not standard way to distribute embeddings
* affects performance of the three modules
* native gensim serialization (smaller size, low code volume)
Cant import word2vec in python.Jow to correct this error.
RuntimeError: you must first build vocabulary before training the model
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
I have already viewed [https://github.com/3Top/word2vec-api/issues/6](this previous issue), but I haven't yet solved my problem.
I downloaded "Wikipedia+Gigaword 5" from [https://github.com/3Top/wo…
Fresh installation, setup new environment (python 3.9.18 or 3.12):
`serg: ~ : python3 -m venv new_env`
`serg: ~ : source new_env/bin/activate`
`(new_env) serg: ~ : pip install bpemb gensim`
We have changed the line to load model to gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format, still we are getting the following error
import tools
embed_map = tools.load_googlenews_vectors()