Error https://github.com/openlayers/ol-webpack + ol-maplibre-layer
export 'MapLibreLayer' (imported as 'MapLibreLayer') was not found in '@geoblocks/ol-maplibre-layer' (module has no exports)
I should have done this before, and sorry it took me so long, but I started geoblocking Russia on packages.sury.org. I can't do that for launchpad packages, but if I could I would. I see no reason why…
Hi there,
would it be possible to note on playlist entries to which country it is geoblocked to, if it is?
so e.g. at ZDF:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="ZDF HD" tvg-id="ZDF.de" group-title="IPTV-DE"…
Our users may be Geoblocked if they are geolocated in the countries that we block according to our ToS.
Users are not aware that they are geoban. ex: https://app.asana.com/0…
- [x] both for channels and claim ids
Please reference odysee.com / ios code for implementation details
nice to have :
- [ ] include search results / related / comments in geoblocking
Look into webpack (or similar) to enable require so geoblocking can be implemented
It exists a way to log all the into a file : geoblock.log ?
How can I except specific IPs/ subnets/ ASN from geoblocking?
We have users/partners that are in countries that are regulary blocked but need access.
I have a question because I don't understand something.
Basically the plugin works fine. My config:
In **Traefik 2.x** docker-compose as command:
- "--experimental.plugins.geo…
I want to allow connections only from my country, but when I allow ["XX"] it will block also my local IP.
It really makes it difficult to use my own server when I'm connected to my home wifi