## Describe the bug
This issue occurs because `geopandas.GeoDataFrame` inherits from `pandas.DataFrame`, meaning it’s recognized as a type of `DataFrame`. However, `GeoDataFrame` contains geometry-sp…
julia> using NaturalEarth, DataFrames, GeoParquet, GeoDataFrames
julia> all_countries = naturalearth("admin_0_countries", 10) |> DataFrame |> x -> select!(x, [:geometry, :ADM0_A3])
These types all error:
Vector{Int8}, Vector{UInt16}, Vector{Int16}, Vector{Float32}
These types do not:
UInt8(), Int8(), UInt16(), Int16(), Float32(), Float64(), Vector{UInt8}, Vector{Float64}
This causes a consistent segfault:
import GeoFormatTypes as GFT
import GeoInterface as GI
using DataFrames
using GeoDataFrames
pt = GI.Point(1,1, crs=GFT.EPSG(4326))
df = DataFrame(geom…
This one caught me off guard. Large tables seem to be unsafe when manipulating this example geo parquet file (using GeoDataFrames v0.3.10 with Julia v"1.11.1"):
#### Describe the solution you'd like
When a `GeoSeries` function is called on a `GeoDataFrame`, a `GeoSeries` of the result of running the method on the geometry column is returned.
I think it …
Create a conda env:
conda create -y -n napari-env -c conda-forge python=3.9
conda activate napari-env
python -m pip install "napari-spatialdata[all]" "napari[all]" spatialdata_io jupyterlab
From https://discourse.julialang.org/t/screening-interest-in-a-unified-vector-raster-package-akin-to-r-terra/121613, it might make sense to make GeoDataFrames a single point of entry for vector datase…
# load data
using GeoDataFrames
using Shapefile
path2shp = splitpath(pathof(Shapefile))
path2shp = joinpath(vcat(path2shp[1:end-2], ["test", "shapelib_testcases", "test.shp"]))
gdf = Geo…