It seems to work with a resolution of 20, but not 3 or 10.
gisco_get_nuts(country = c("Spain", "Portugal"), nuts_level = "3", resolution = "03")
HTTP Status Code: 503 - Service Unavailable
Attempts to use gisco_get_countries to get a world shape return this error:
HTTP Status Code: 503 - Service Unavailable
When I try to set `cache=FALSE`, it tells me that the file on the remote server may be corrupted:
> geodata
Support also EU Address API: https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/addressapi/docs/screen/home
I get an error using eurostat package.
> dd
The `sf::st_length()` seems to give incorrect result when used to calculate length of shared border between two countries.
This issue flows from an earlier [SO question](https://stackoverflow.com/q…
it looks like -mosaic, applied to a dissolved layer, takes into account the initial layer
Here is a reprex:
Each layer has two arguments `group` and `group.control`.
I found out that leaflet maps can also handle visibility per zoom level via `leaflet::groupOptions()`. So instead of added yet another argum…
## Task Description
load NUTS-1,2,3 (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/nuts) into GeoNode, regions. Maybe apply a function so if a lower level region is selected like Märkisch Oderland that also th…
The doc states:
> "When working with multiple polygon and polyline layers, the -simplify command is applied to all of the layers."
But why is that? It can prove useful to simplify selectively on…