Треба обдумати і описати git flow процес
1. **Заборонити прямі пуші в `main`**:
- Налаштувати захист гілки `main`, щоб дозволити пушити тільки через pull requests (PR). Це можна з…
## Deployment
AFAICT, currently there are no release branches for specific deployments so we could switch to a flow where stable versions are marked by tagging commits on the main branch.
We coul…
# [Git] Git Flow 브랜치 전략, 커밋 컨벤션, 템플릿 설정
협업 프로젝트 시작 전 아주 기본적인 GitHub 설정들을 알아보자
Estudar git flow
git flow VS git hub flow
Galera, eu tenho utilizado o Git, porém vou realizando os commits no Branch master mesmo!
Seria bacana um guia sobre a forma correta de versionar um projeto utilizando Branches.
The install instructions tell to install git-flow-avh which is a newer fork of the original git-flow. One of the key differences is that release and hotfix-tags are not solely present on the master br…
### Feature description
I would like to suggest an extension of the expression properties (for inputs). Would it be possible to extend them so that not only an array (or list) can be used as a source…