Error report:
mochiweb_session:223: generate_check_session_cookie...*failed*
in function crypto:crypto_one_time/5 (crypto.erl, line 930)
called as crypto_one_time(aes_128_cfb128,,,,true)
**Describe the bug**
Install-HydrationEpac throws an error at the step where it copies pipeline files if you select script type, and also github actions.
Renaming StarterKit/Pipelines/GitHubActions/t…
Look through https://new-hs-ci.hydroshare.org/ and http://ci.hydroshare.org:8080/ to identify any jobs that we may still need with the gcp migration before RENCI is turned off.
[GitHub Actions' checkout](https://github.com/actions/checkout) handles auth in an unusual way:
Inside the runner, .git/config contains this:
[http "https://github.com/"]
extraheader = AUTH…
Is there a way to set things up to make Documenter use GitHubActions, without having GitHubActions set up julia CI?
You can save more time on `integration-testing`
On the integration-test workflow:
all the jobs test-* have the task `cargo build `, I think you can save more time create a job called build and c…