We are currently using v17 with php SDK `v24.0.0`. The request id is null for the conversion upload client for e.g
public function getConversionUploadClient(): ConversionUploadServiceClient
**Version of Plugin.MauiMTAdmob: 1.6.4**
When I call “LoadInterstitial” on a device/emulator with Android 8, 9, 10 or 11, neither the event “OnInterstitialLoaded” nor “OnInterstitialF…
I got an error when I try to add a Banner View to my app.
The error detail is as follow:
You must set the rootViewController property of before loading a request.
I've added the following c…
### [REQUIRED] Please fill in the following fields:
* Unity editor version: 2022.3.22f1
* External Dependency Manager version: 1.2.183
* Source you installed EDM4U: GoogleMobileAds-v9.3…
There's a big improvement by pre-loading and re-using the banners in UIKit. Here's my UIKit project with recycling:
override func viewDidLoad() {
The current version of `GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK-For-AdMob` only supports iOS8+.
In order to be able to build a project which integrates your SDK either an older version of `GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK-For-…
GoogleIMALoader.adsLoader(_:failedWith:) code 1010 message The ad response was not understood and cannot be parsed.
pod GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK 3.23.0
ios 13*
Doesn't want to reproduce VAST giv…
Currently this tap doesnt work with target-snowflake pipelinewise variant (the default target-snowflake for meltano).
Error messa…
@timothymarois Could there be a new release tagged? While upgrading to Laravel 10, the dependency on Google ads in the 1.5 release (latest version tagged), is set to a specific version which is locked…