The **graphql-spqr** library assumes that interfaces can only be implemented by classes that resolve to `GraphQLObjectType`. If a Java Enum implements an interface and is discovered via its interface,…
We ran into the same issue as described here
The stack on our side is
I'm trying to upgrade to the latest Spring Boot version because some vulnerabilities were reported in the application, but I'm getting the following error at runtime:
2024-11-25 14:06:56,…
I tried subscribe with Postman but it fails with `Server sent no subprotocol`:
I found that the client sends `graphql-transport-ws` sub-protocol but server only tests to `graphql-ws` because `g…
Hey @kaqqao ,
I've tried updating my spring boot version to 3.3.0 and then got the following Stacktrace, when trying to access a graphql endpoint.
Could you maybe have an eye on it?
Can we have GraphiQL 3.x in the project integrated. We curretly use GraphQL Playground in spqr.
Copied post from stack overflow
My GraphQL schema is:
//Schema generated from query classes
Hi I believe I found a bug, whenever the DefaultGlobalContext is injected without the type being specified for the request object a TypeMappingException is raised:
Caused by: io.leangen.graphq…
I've upgraded a project from graphql-spqr-spring-boot-starter:0.0.4 and spring-boot v2.6.2 to graphql-spqr-spring-boot-starter:0.0.5+ and spring-boot v2.7.9 and I get the following when starting the p…
Hello, thank you for the work on this library, I've been looking for a code-first approach to graphql in Java and this library definitely accomplishes that. I was just wondering is there an example or…