Write a solution to this hackerrank problem: https://www.hackerrank.com/domains/cpp
I want to add Hackerrank Implementation Answers in C++ of:
1. 3d surface area
2. ACM_ICPC_team.cpp
3. Angry_professor.cpp and etc.
### Hackerrank problem link
Provide your hackerrank problem link here.
### Issue Checklist
* […
## Link of the question
I would like to work on this issue in CPP with Hacktoberfest label
## Coding platform
- [x] Hackerrank…
## Link of the question
I would like to work on this issue in CPP with Hacktoberfest label
## Coding platform
- [x] Hackerrank
## Link of the question
I want to work on this issue in CPP with Hacktoberfest label
## Coding platform
- [x] Hackerr…
## Link of the question
I would like to work on this issue in CPP with Hacktoberfest label
## Coding platform
- [x] Hackerrank
- [ ] …
## Link of the question
I would like to work on this issue in CPP with Hacktoberfest label
## Coding platform
- [x] Hackerrank
- …
Someone submitted the contact form!
**URL**: https://usaco.guide/bronze/intro-greedy?lang=cpp
**Module**: None
**Topic**: Suggestion
The website was very interesting with those amazing …
Not useful at all. But this can also be refactored to a better OOP …