Following #78 i upgraded to Linux Mint 22 but another error seemingly prevents me from going further.
I can select any picture to dither but it loads indefinitely, still without any error message. Th…
For dithering, the fastest and most convenient is [Chainner-rs](https://github.com/chaiNNer-org/chaiNNer-rs).
umzi2 updated
3 weeks ago
Great app!
With this name and this logo however, I would expect to be able to use it for doing actual halftones (the print kind), and not dithering (the screen kind). So I suggest that halftoning …
Implement a core node, the Halftone node using either glsl or numpy/opencv. It should take in an image and output an image.
It may be a good idea to implement this as a glsl shader node for speed.
~There is no translation template file (.POT) available currently, because I haven't got `gettext` to work with strings defined in code.~ I've generated a preliminary template file with most of the UI…
tfuxu updated
4 weeks ago
Hello, i use your script in my website to create halftone effect in https://simply4all.net/pop-corn/
how to delete halftone after successfully added a lum!
any chance to add an half-tone filter to produce images like :
I'm currently looking …
I ran the code that is present in the githup description and it throws an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "H:\2.Stuff\Projects\Script to execute image combination\s…
I tried halftoning an image using Halftone.py using python halftone.py -l Banff.jpg (-l command for halftoning the images) but the following errors occurred
(Haltone) C:\Users\shank\Documents\Docum…
When comparing halftone images in terms of PSNR and SSIM (for example, Ostromoukhov method, Structure-aware halftoning, and this paper method), you have mentioned that "Higher PSNR/SSIM indicate bette…