In case you want to incorporate anywhere on the site!
Currently A/B testing three thumbnail de…
Handpose Recognition is listed as one of the modules in esp-dl. Is there a time line for its availability.
import pickle
f = 'handpose/refinehandpose_right/ZY20210800003/H3/C6/N25/S82/s04/T1/10.pickle'
pickle.load(open(f, 'rb'), encoding='latin1')['poseCoeff'].flatten()
>>>array([0.5192359], …
enyen updated
2 months ago
你好,我在把你的文件复制到pycharm后打开predict.py文件发出这个报错,我找到 'handpose_local_app.py'此文件发现是空文件。
I am not able to find out the weights file in dir "hand/pose_iter_102000.caffemodel"
It's now in "Methods" section, maybe a bit hard for users to find
I input the rotmat directly into SMPLH handpose parameter, but it doesn't match.
So how to trans the rotmat data?
Why do I run the gesture code you provided, and the effect is very poor. Most gesture key points are not accurately positioned
I walked through the code to find 'feet keypoints' showed bellow: