Create app, controller, views, or models, on CI-HMVC
Requested to open a ticket here, from trailsjs/trails#28.
This is regarding creating a generator for HMVC version of trails.
I currently have a POC of how this could be organised [here](https://gith…
My PHP version 8.3.10
These are the steps i done
composer create-project mufidjamaluddin/codeigniter4-hmvc ci4-hmvc
cd ci4-hmvc
copy folder Config from ci4 latest 4.5.4 overwrite
copy ind…
What about using HMVC Modules for this program this will make our coding life much organized and simple
Implement HMVC
@ptejada, how about implementing **HMVC requests** with help of `Base::call` method? It would be great reusing controllers, models, views & lang files from **module1** in **module2**. Here is how I'm …
I'm trying to integrate HMVC and MY_Model together. Say I try to load a model from an outside module ie 'admin', I need to do the following:
The leading …
Does this still support the HMVC for views and configs?
I have a error in HMVC app.
Neccesary my folder estructure is:
- app (all CI)
- application
- system
- www (public with index.php)
The error is:
Fatal error: Class 'CI_Lang' not found in C:…
The following positions taken from [pgns-run2-20200420-0654](http://data.lczero.org/files/training_pgns/run2/pgns-run2-20200420-0654.tar.bz2) are adjudicated incorrectly by T70:
1 4R3/1p6/p2R1…