In both the households and the buildings sector, there is a duplicate entry for solar thermal production. The key `buildings_final_demand_solar_thermal_demand` is listed both in the `buildi…
add a `merge_households` (logical) parameter to indicate whether the function should merge household variables to the output data.
- [ ] 1970 population
- [ ] 1980 population
- [ ] 1991 populati…
Data source: https://data.open-power-system-data.org/household_data/2020-04-15
- input data (location, temperature, datetime, holidays, business day)
- output data
- model(s)
Outcome: Pyt…
Description: Number of households that are
@jdebacker are we supposed to include (BQpath, rho_s, beta, sigma, g_y, b_init, n, rpath, wpath) in the household function? (based on chapter 8)
Amazon no longer[ rolls up](https://github.com/philipmulcahy/azad/issues/216#issuecomment-1592088886) teen orders to the main page view (annoying even for general use, never mind this extension).
Abba- updated
4 months ago
_Disclaimer: This is feature enhancement request. If I understand the code correctly, this should save some time while not impacting the results of the model. If my understanding of the code is incorr…
It seems that the new version (v2.0.0) of Mealie has introduced changes to the shopping list API, which causes it to no longer work with Mealient. As a result, shopping lists are not functioning as ex…