On my first run of HSPEXP+, I received this error. Any insight? Thanks!
As you know HSPEXP+ has a functionality to generate graphs automatically based on the specifications provided in a graph specification file (*.csv). Brian and I have used it in MPCA, Illinois River Wa…
1. DO and Heat anomaly calculations are not dependent upon selecting the option on the interface. These calculations happen regardless.
2. DO and Heat anomaly calculations include entire period of da…
Using WinHSPF 3.1 to develop exs files for HSPEXP+. When saving the modified UCI file, the FTABLES that represent surface storage are stripped out. These are perfectly valid FTABLES with only 2 colu…
I have created and successfully executed a watershed model by modifying your example pyHSPF scripts, however I am unsuccessful at executing the same model (uci and in/out wdm files) from either the co…
I'm sorry if I missed something very basic, but I extracted the files and folders and I can't find anything that will open for GWToolbox 1.3.3. Is there an executable file I am missing?
HSPEXP+ should be able to generate following QA/QC Reports
1. Compare parameter values to typical limits and report any issues.
2. Calculate land use areas of all terminal reaches and calibration re…
This function is used in Regan Plots, and the diurnal analysis of DO and Heat. However, this function returns the entire time series instead of the period selected on the main HSPEXP+ interface.
I am trying to run hydrology calibration using HSPEXP+. I added both observed and simulated flows to the WDM. When hitting start, I get an error saying the number of sites are not in the correct …