I'd like to extract SMPL coefficients like humannerf did (https://github.com/chungyiweng/humannerf?tab=readme-ov-file#metadatajson)
after WHAM, I could get results `(['poses_body', 'poses_root_cam'…
I tried the [humannerf](https://github.com/chungyiweng/humannerf), but I don't know why something went wrong [my issue](https://github.com/chungyiweng/humannerf/issues/49), so I'm trying to use humann…
I train humannerf with snap_shot, but produce empty image. Could you tell me how to train humannerf with snap_shot?
I am trying to train the humannerf model on a custom video. I have followed all the steps to extract frames, generate masks, get matadata and used it to prepare dataset. The dataset was prepared prope…
hello, thanks for your great work. I am curious of the source of `smpl_numpy.py`, as it seems is a script form third parties, can you provide some information about where did you access the code? than…
Thank you very much!
Hi chungyi,
I'd like to ask does humannerf support SMPL-X model?
Hi Yu, thanks for your work and such an organized repo!
I'm now using ROMP to get SMPL poses and would like to visualize the meshes via a perspective camera. I usually use a similar way as https:/…
Thanks for the amazing work! I meet a problem when I try to generate the canonical pose.
I down load the smplx models which named as 'SMPLX_XXX.pkl' and run 'python prepare_canonical_pose.py'
I find that in the **freeview.py**, the rotation axes of different datasets are different. I wonder why are they different. Is the zju_mocap's world coordinates are different from the common-used on…