Thank you for sharing your work.
Can you elaborate, why are you using accuracy metric in regression task?
You are predicting a vector of latent factors, which supposed to be a regression task.
May I ask whether cross-domain speech emotion recognition (SER) model will open source and when? Thanks!
关于slides中第35页的柱状图,请问ASC,VSC,AVSC是如何控制变量的?我自己做对比实验的时候,并没有出现 单模态性能好于双模态的情况。
After read your paper I have interest in how to achieve this work.
After training and testing the outputs folder are empty, the training processing end at epoch 56, then run the test.py and get the…
I have downloaded the ''AEC-Challenge-main'' dataset and "RIRS_NOISES" dataset and I have set the paths in the config.
I would like to try the AEC performance of Meta-AF using your pre-trained model…
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- AAAI, CHI submission 완료 수고하셨습니다.
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我目前为了方便直接模拟英文的数据集,将中文按照字级别拆开,即['订', '机', '票']这样的结构,效果不是很理想。
- 字级别…
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- ICLR Social 2021: ML in Korea wrap-up
First of all, thank you for this nice implementation.
I trained the network with default settings and data (~500k iteration), but the results are really unnaturalistic (eg.: [link](https://…