Thanks for this great codebase!
I found there are only 3 papers about Temporal Action Detection supported, i.e., BMN (ICCV'19), BSN (ECCV'18), and SSN (ICCV'17), which are a bit old. Since temporal a…
I just came across this ICCV'17 paper: [Centered Weight Normalization in Accelerating Training of Deep Neural Networks](http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ICCV_2017/papers/Huang_Centered_Weig…
Hi, thank you for the effort you put in to creating this large-scale dataset. I would like to make fair comparisons to the papers presented in the PoseTrack workshops. Which version of PoseTrack17 was…
I'm wondering if any speed and accuracy comparison was made on this network. I was trying to find something but couldn't.
I used it for some work I wrote but need to justify my choice (which was init…
Hi, thank you for the excellent work and shared code.
I encountered a mismatch between the training result of single-frame hourglass fine-tuned input with the reported.
The input is fetched from `M…
can you provide your supplementary materials about your paper. I can't find where is it?
Hi, thanks for your great work on ICCV'21. I have some questions and issues with your code.
I just clone your code (didn't modify official code) and evaluated the provided pre-trained model with the…
A quick glance at the pull request overview shows a very large number of pull requests with no response at all. At the same time this is perhaps one of the fastest developing branches of computer scie…
**OPENRESEARCH conference durations**
select count(*),endDate-startdate+1 as duration from
where endDate is not Null and startDate is not Null
group by duration…
trying to run demo.py getting import PalLib not found in AnnotationLib.py. Unable to locate this lib for install. Also had to add
sys.path.append("..path...) to data_utils.py so it could find Annota…