The ImageView::draw method uses a nested loop that calls painter.get_point and painter.paint for each pixel. This could be inefficient for larger images, affecting performance.
Consider buffering t…
struct SDAnimatedViewWebP: UIViewRepresentable {
let url: URL
let backgroundColor: Color
let imageView = SDAnimatedImageView()
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> SDAnimate…
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eclipse版本 ImageView 模块无法启动
The way the current ExtendedImageView handles percentiles is at best spaghetti (thanks to yours truly). At some point, pyqtgraph also changed it's quickMinMax signature, which started breaking the spa…
This is a great project. I've just successfully put it into my app and it took hardly any time at all.
But I'm not sure why the imageView property is marked as unavailable.
@property (nonat…
Adding Imageview or images together with the text would be an awesome addition to the library. Thanks for the great library.
for svg/png responses
see: see: https://github.com/tanhakabir/rest-book/issues/73#issuecomment-827007087
I could not find method like imageView.animationImages
ZMAsd updated
6 years ago