Is it now possible to solve rigid body motion problems in blastfoam, are there any examples similar to the one posted some time ago on youtube? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE04…
I read in the paper that WaterLily uses uniform grids. While this is straightforward to setup, it limits the size of the flow domain. The grids are commonly stretched in Cartesian grid + Immersed boun…
@sgekle, @fweik
The CPU implementation likely misses part of the forces contributed by constraints and the ext_force property of particls
close to node boundaries, both the actual particles and its g…
The static methods _project_and_slide, _seg_intersect_2D, and (probably) _seg_intersect_3D_triangles are about as fast as they are going to be in Python/NumPy, but are still a major bottleneck. One on…
Hi Jifu,
Following is the Error message:
embolism:60757 terminated with signal 11 at PC=5ee3ab SP=7ffdb9a93130. Backtrace:
Following [Adroft et al. (1997)](https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/mwre/125/9/1520-0493_1997_125_2293_rotbsc_2.0.co_2.xml), we are developing a **partial cell method** in the following branch…
I have noticed an issue with immersed boundaries in the latest version of [Oceananigans](https://github.com/CliMA/Oceananigans.jl/releases/tag/v0.91.4). At the immersed boundaries we expect the defaul…
Prompted by me not really knowing what the "immersed boundary" model is and what the code will do (in terms of equations, computational method, dimension it works in, etc.). Realised we don't really h…
Hi. I saw the test case: Space shuttle at Mach 2 - Immersed solid boundary method via level-set. I wonder how to import a CAD model to the JAXFLUIDS solver. Thanks in advance.
This is very random comment and probably not helpful, but I was reading your section 1.1.4 and remembering something that one of the Dedalus devs had mentioned years ago. He had told me that boundarie…