When a lower NA objective lens is specified, the adaptive linear solver implementation [1] reports the following warning:
// Matlab: Ci = J \ phase
auto Ci = solve(J.t(), phase.t());
this is a very minor thing but
``` latex
\begin{theorem}[Smale 1958]
There is a homotopy of immers…
### :thinking: Contexte et problématique (et par qui est-ce remonté ?)
Vraiment Vraiment, agence missionnée par le CDG Oise, voudrait utiliser IF pour proposer des immersions aux agents publics, sur …
I used to use the goal feature to track my two types of language learning (and other activities) immersion, with the activity name being what I'm watching or analyzing. For example, I'm going to use m…
Hi, I am playing with zhCN language client and the addon didn't show any dialog when I talk to any NPCs.. Aslo, it report a Lua erro:
Message: Interface\AddOns\Immersion\Logic\Frame.lua:223: Immers…
I want to change it so the object appears in your inventory instead of your hand
### :construction: Epic
### :thinking: Contexte et problématique
Une opération 10 000 jeunes/10000 stages est en cours de lancement avec des groupes mécènes des Entreprises s'engagent. Ces gr…
Hi Jordan,
I would love it if the DM had the option to hide the track bar view (name and duration of track) from players, just for immersion purposes.
Thanks so much for considering,
We have a few hundred KS3Ms and have some extra immersion slots right now. We are planning to dunk about 60 of them and was wondering if you any plans for an immersion mode. We have had issues with sp…
Add "that" between "tutorial" and "walks" in the bullet point "Git Immersion: A tutorial walks through a series of ..." in the "Prerequisites" section of the `ONBOARDING.md` file.