I called INEGI and it turns out that because of my change in affiliation, I have to submit another project. This shouldn't be difficult, but it'll be a little annoying.
WOF sources [INEGI](https://github.com/whosonfirst/whosonfirst-sources/blob/d4421d81960d764d0827838e2e46f04017867539/sources/inegi.json) data for some admin levels in Mexico, but for the lower admin l…
Sobre o material do INEGI, México (deu um trabalho para analizar) https://www.inegi.org.mx/app/mapas/#Busqueda_avanzada.
Tenho uma boa e uma má notícia:
**A boa:** o INEGI tem uma base de dados …
Cuando se quiere ver el catálogo usando la función mencionada regresa un error.
catalogoINEGI = catalogo_inegi()
probando la URL 'http://www3.inegi.org.mx/rnm/index.php/catalog/export/csv?ps=500&'…
# Etiquetado de variables y valores en las encuestas de INEGI usando Python | Blog de Juan Santos
Para entender los datos de encuestas es necesario contar con un diccionario de variables y un catálog…
Currently, the source for MX INEGI is http://data.diegovalle.net/mapsmapas/*
It would be nice to find an alternative source (from an official source)
INEGI publicó un [nuevo API](http://www.inegi.org.mx/desarrolladores/sakbe/apisakbe.aspx) que parece interesante para trazar rutas.
Hasta ahora solo eh podido incluir el de búsqueda de id's de desti…
Crear la siguiente estructura de BD:
### Tabla 1: Movilidad
- Coord tile origen
- Coord tile destino
- Num viajes
- Num AGEBs en tile origen
- Num AGEBs en tile destino
### Tabla 3: Caracte…
Also mention that according to the ENVIPE 95% of crimes are not reported