Hallo, mir ist aufgefallen, dass in der Datei ZUGFeRDExporterFromA3.java in der Zeile 832 ein InputStream erzeugt wird aber nirgendwo die .close()-Methode aufgerufen wird. Was einen Ressourceleak erze…
05:00:24 STARTED FinalizeI…
Mark has been invalidated, pos: 1300464 markLimit: 5242880
The Simple IPTV Client is overriding the User-Agent specified in InputStream Adaptive’s common_headers property. This behavior prevents the custom User-Agent set in InputStream Adaptive from being sen…
### Describe the problem
I use the Sly plugin to watch Paramount+. Every single time an ad starts, after a few loading attempts, Kodi crashes badly. If you're watching a live channel, it's really fru…
## Summary
Should be able to assert using `InputStream` of JSON as either actual or expected
Hi, I am trying to use this stream example:
// Make the server echo back the input file with "cat"
using (SshCommand command = client.CreateCommand("cat"))…
### Describe the feature
Currently, transfermanager supports multi-part parallel upload only using file as an input. If an InputStream is provided then multi-part upload becomes sequential where all …
Opening a non-autosave yields this error:
java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid bit length repeat
at java.base/java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream.read(InflaterInputStream.java:181)
at java.base/ja…
### Description
Introduce, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_update
### Suggested Solution
this prevent to download the whole apk to install, especially in certain area, there are some li…
M-505 updated
3 weeks ago