I'm adding pdf from Zotero in the Docs object. When I query the Docs, about half of the times I get an answer without the references.
AIED, or Artificial Intelligence in Education, is …
## Introduction
Hello. I am pleased to share some brainstorming towards advancing the state of the art with respect to educational exercises and activities, e.g., homework, quiz, and exam items, se…
O estudante deve receber questões para receber baseado no seu histórico de respostas. Devem ser apresentadas as questões que apresentem assuntos/conceitos próximos aos que ele tem apresentado dificuld…
Let's look for a short conference series:
wd search "1st international conference" | grep 2018
wf@fix ConferenceCorpus % wd search "1st international conference" | grep 2017
wf@fix Confere…
From a user on 2017-12-17: {
Dear Philip,
There seems to be some memory leak with the Python Tutor when an import statement is executed repeatedly. [Here's an example.](http://www.pythontutor.co…
The [EDUPUB alliance](http://idpf.org/edupub) formed in 2013. Its work included discussion of: (1) [an education profile](http://idpf.org/epub/profiles/edu/spec/), (2) [education structura…
In Cal Newport's book ['Deep Work'](https://amzn.to/2QyMd5O) he convincingly argues that there are two core skills for thriving in the modern economy:
> 1. The ability to quickly master hard things…