Can you update the plugin with the latest version on Invmenu
[11:42:27.963] [Server thread/DEBUG]: [Player: ByNamles] Opening inventory muqsit\invmenu\inventory\InvMenuInventory#95373
[11:42:32.621] [Server thread/DEBUG]: [Player: ByNamles] Closing inventory m…
Könntet ihr mal ein zeigen wie man Media Form verwendet und wie man mit InvMenü arbeitet?
2023-12-31 [19:07:57.407] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: ArgumentCountError: "Too few arguments to function pocketmine\block\tile\Spawnable::getSerializedSpawnCompound(), 0 passed in phar:///home/km3/plugi…
[14:30:21] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: InvalidStateException: "Tried to schedule task to disabled scheduler" (EXCEPTION) in "src/pocketmine/scheduler/TaskScheduler" at line 148
[14:30:21] [Server threa…
[09:19:40.917] [Server thread/DEBUG]: [Player: NemesisFire2348] Opening inventory muqsit\chestshop\libs\muqsit\invmenu\inventory\InvMenuInventory#161756
[09:19:39.893] [Server thread/DEBUG]: [Playe…
I am opening a PlayerVault when they click on an ender chest set in an InvMenu
This is the InvMenu listener incase you need it
Error 214 line MinionEvent
I have installed InvMenu and the result is still not working
- [ ] recode deathdings
- [x] add spawn items (kits, inv)
- [x] invmenu for /inv sort