**User Story**
As a user I would like to have access to PCI address information to be able to pre-configure pci accelerator cards (like acc100), e.g cluster hardware information can be used at the …
**User Story**
As a user I would like to have access to NUMA topology information for pre-configuration of performance critical workloads, e.g cluster hardware information can be used at the deploy…
See https://opendev.org/openstack/ironic-python-agent/src/branch/master/ironic_python_agent/extensions/image.py#L272-L274 : they create an entry and look for the duplicate /label/ error.
What we /s…
Last release is 4 years old. Time to re-release?
Currently, reqcheck only compares requirements in requirements.txt file to Requires in the spec file.
It'd be also good to report optional dependencies (probably disabled by default by could be ena…
`kayobe overcloud service deploy` currently fails with:
TASK [Ensure Ironic Python Agent images are copied onto the local machine] ************************************************************…
I am trying to run chi-in-a-box on Ubuntu server 20.0.4.
I have only one controller node and I run `cc-ansible` locally. I use the following `site-config/default.yml` file (on the first round)…
Currently, the repository location for packages is 'harcoded' inside the template:
- /ansible-role-tripleo-image-build/templates/dib-prepare-centos7-default.sh.j2
- /ansible-role-tripleo-image-build/t…
I am seeing the below error:
TASK [install packages on Undercloud] *******************************************************************************************************************…
systemctl restart network #### and check brifge br-ex status with ip a if Down or UNKOWN
grep rewrite /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/* ## recreate modules in httpd
systemctl restart httpd