This issue happens when read_dir[1] < 0 and I have a mismatch between the trajectory (extracted from the pulseq file and the data in the acquisition)
I have converted some GE Scanarchives with several "passes", as GE calls them. In Orchestra, all passes can be recovered from the Scanarchive. However, after conversion to ismrmrd, I do not fin…
I was testing out this example https://magneticresonanceimaging.github.io/MRIReco.jl/latest/filehandling/#Conversion
to convert the example Bruker data at http://media.tuhh.de/ibi/mrireco/brukerfile…
It would be nice if we could load in the attruibutes from the Siemens special tab automatically.
Would it be easiest to add a Dictionary Attribute to the KData Header?
Also to save the Special T…
When converting a spiral acquired with WIP 992, I get the following error.
I am using the mMR.
WARNING: Unexpected number of mystery bytes detected: 32
ParcFileEntries[1].off_ = 17950720 …
I am encountering a problem when converting Siemens .dat files to .mrd using siemens_to_ismrmrd. Below is the full output:
Software version: syngo MR XA50
Protocol name: Initialized by sequence
Needs python api to extract ISMRMRD object from SIEMENS raw data file.
I realized that in all my siemens raw data files from 2D pulseq acquisitions, the parameter `i3DFTLength` ist set to `2` (instead of `1`). I checked this for different combinations of Pulseq versions …
I'm converting multi-echo data acquired at 7T using the official Siemens GRE sequence. I would need to use the flag values, which should be saved in the head of each data profile. The issue is that th…