**Version Used**:
Visual Studio Community 2017 v15.3.3
**Steps to Reproduce**:
Type in the following code in VB console project:
Public Module Module1
Public Interface ITracer
Right now, tracing can be implemented in the CSX config, but it would be great to be able to use tracing without modifying CSX, since not every user is very familiar with C#. Also, it would enable us …
emmby updated
6 months ago
A user received this error when they had a bad index.
Information {"Message":"System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Non-negative number required.\r\nParameter name: dstOffset\r\n at System.Buffer.…
Spotted while working on automating Frida builds for the 16.4.* series:
- Two files end up inside the package under the build path (e.g. `/home/kibi/deb-frida/…`), namely `frida-core-1.0.deps` and …
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
For now AspNetCore users can only configure the agent setup process by using `IConfiguration`, there's no way to setup an customized…
I have created the timer trigger webjob using webjob extenstions which is scheduled to run on every 15 mins,
I have published the webjob using visual studio publish method,
but i get following e…
# Bug Report
List of [all OpenTelemetry NuGet
packages](https://www.nuget.org/profiles/OpenTelemetry) and version that you are
using (e.g. `OpenTelemetry 1.0.2`):
AspNetCore app
- `Npgsql.Ope…
There is a consensus on the need to use indentation for if block and do loop block, with the main purpose to help following how the code works. But it's less clear that a "fixed indentation size" for …
Calling `$ gvfs clone https://.visualstudio.com/_git/` on an empty repo gives the following error:
Clone parameters:
Repo URL: https://.visualstudio.com/_git/
Cache Server: Default
When trying to add the GulpExtension from the SCM. Any fix?
`Failed to install Gulp - ExitCode: -4071, Output: D:\home\SiteExtensions\GulpExtension>IF NOT EXIST Commands MKDIR Commands D:\home\SiteEx…