Hi Yang,
Thanks for your sharing on this topic, I'm wondering how to construct a JALI-compatible face rig, and how to annotate it for training as your project? We want to try it on our own characte…
Når man legger til et manglende ord (her eksempler med spørrepart "gus") i gramchecker blir mellomrommet etter ordet som er TARGET en del av feilen (se mellomrom mellom "bukti" og ":" :
adding a new html file regarding jali squad.
i used mesquite to export exo files and use portage/jali/MSTK to import exo files. It is very strange to get "ERROR!! in MESH_Face: Non-existent face requested", but it is OK to use paraview to open t…
New to this area, but I'm wondering is Jali viseme can be used with the metahuman models? Or should I do some modification to the rig of metahuman for making it works?
Portage uses Jali, so we should add a find macro to cinch.
@cmsquared: Checking for `Mesh.hh` and `libJali.a`, correct?
I was not able to finish installation of Jali on my OSX without two tweaks:
1. Add definition -DMSTK_HAVE_MPI to mesh_mstk/CMakeFiles.txt
2. Move definition of UniStateVector::print outside the …
The development environment supports modern JavaScript development tools and practices.
### Current Behavior
Revenant legends listed under a character's build data are listing non-legend skills instead of the actual legends.
be careful re: k8s - check for any incompatible api changes