When generating the binding expression to bind the model data into the form state, the generated tool sets a default value for each input. but It doesn't do so for `array` data types leaving the prope…
A couple of error messages in the log:
`bpm-jbpm-1 | 16:00:49,140 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("add") failed - address: ([…
Using the correlation feature from [JBPM-9735](https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBPM-9735) there is no problem sending messages one by one, eg:
$ kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9…
It just completeWorkItem ,not executeWorkitem.
Many …
There are two problem with the workflow (BPMN) editor in the current kie sandbox.
1. the concept of correlation.
- You should be able to create more than one correlation per process (this is feasib…
The example looks very promising, sadly it is pretty outdated so it is not usable with jBPM 6.4.0.
Is there any updated example as a template for getting started (seed project)?
hi mswiderski thank y for the jbpm exemple but after setting mysql datasource in the main of KieServerMain class as following :
` String driverModule = "com.mysql";
kogito-maven-plugin is used to build springboot-based kogito projects.
It contains three mojos and a couple of configurations to drive maven life-cycle.
With that in place, its usage requires the
Please add 7.19.0 and 7.20.0 releases.
I create show process form at BPMS web use showProcessForm.html's code.
But I find I need login twice for visit the process start form.
1 visit /business-central/rest/runtime/{process deployment id…