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like #10504 , in different func
java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
To configure the integration:
1. Go to Settings > Devices & Services > Add Integration.
2. Search for "ADA P1 Meter" and enter the connection details (e.g., hostname and port).
3. …
In LazyList, an evaluated value is stored in the `lazy val state: State[A]`, which contains an instance of `final class Cons[A](val head: A, val tail: LazyList[A]) extends State[A]`.
So for every e…
## License Policy Violation detected in jol-core-0.6.jar
Library - jol-core-0.6.jar
JOL is the set of tools for examining field and object layouts in JVM.
Library home page: http://maven.apache.org
After breaf discovering of the project and reading the article [MethodologyRuntimeBenchmark](http://lessthanoptimal.github.io/Java-Matrix-Benchmark/manual/MethodologyRuntimeBenchmark/) I did fo…
Tisztelt NAV
Egy beküldés során hibaágra fut az ellenőrzés során és a R742 hibát kapom. Leírásban ez a részlet szerepel: [2465A-01-02] 64C = 64B * 0,05 (Hibakód=<996131/R742>)
Ha jól ért…
OpenJDK now provides a tool [Java Object Layout](http://openjdk.java.net/projects/code-tools/jol/) which gives precise numbers for HotSpot. Is any advantage of the memory-measure against JOL?
I mean …
## License Policy Violation detected in jol-core-0.6.jar
Library - jol-core-0.6.jar
JOL is the set of tools for examining field and object layouts in JVM.
Library home page: http://maven.apache.org
Én most a kde-n gondolkozom nagyon. Az app részét már nem lehet leforgatni a mostani verziókkal, mert csak a qt6/kf6 relaese-k érhetőek el: https://download.kde.org/stable/release-service/ Azaz vagy k…
rezso updated
10 hours ago