HubMemo is based on [jser/jser.info](https://github.com/jser/jser.info "jser/jser.info") implementation!
# React Internals Explorer - easily see how React works
React Internals Explorer is a visualization tool to help you understand React internals easily.
# Maze Solver Visualizer
JSer tries to create a Maze Solver Visualizer.
# When do useEffect() callbacks get run? Before paint or after paint?
Most of time useEffect() callbacks are run after paint but some time before paint.
# How does useTransition() work internally in React?
useTransition() is an API to explicitly put updates in a lower priroity and make it interruptable in concurrent mode.
# How does useEffectEvent() work internally in React?
useEffectEvent() is a way to address the caveat of useEffect() dependencies.
[jser/jser.github.ioの記事をpull request時にLintする仕組み | Web Scratch](http://efcl.info/2015/03/04/linting-article/)
Blocker: #1
# How does React do the initial mount internally?
Initial mount is the first render for a React app, it creates the internal Fiber Tree and also the DOM tree.
## Motivation
As a JS developer, I'm actually more comfortable using functions such as `map`, `filter`, `reduce`, etc. to handle Iterable rather than `for...in` / `for...of`. And the `AsyncIterator…
# How does React bailout work in reconciliation?
Bailout is the internal optimization in React to skip rendering the subtree if there nothing changed.